Terms & Conditions

Please read the following important terms and conditions before you buy anything on our online platform and check that they contain everything you want and nothing that you are not willing to agree to.

This contract sets out:

  • your legal rights and responsibilities;
  • our legal rights and responsibilities; and
  • certain key information required by law.

In this contract:

  • ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ means Aznio International Limited; and
  • ‘you’ or ‘your’ means the person or entity using our services.

If you have any questions about this contract, please contact us by sending an email to hello@aznio.com; or

Who are we?

We are Aznio International Limited, a company registered in the Isle of Man under company number: 136998C. 

Our registered office is at: 50 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1JB.

We are registered with the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority under the Designated Businesses (Registration & Oversight) Act 2015 as a business engaged in convertible virtual currency activity.

Some of our underlying products and services are not regulated.

The details of this contract will not be filed by us. Please print out or save a copy of this contract for your records as we will not save a copy for you.


1. Introduction

1.1. If you use our services on our online platform, app, other apps or any other means, you agree to be legally bound by this contract.

1.2. This contract is only available in English. No other languages will apply to this contract.

1.3. When using any services on our online platform you also agree to be legally bound by:

1.3.1. our website terms and conditions and any documents referred to in them;

1.3.2. our third-party providers’ terms and conditions where indicated – which can be found [here];

1.3.3. extra terms which may add to, or replace some of, this contract. This may happen for security, legal, or regulatory reasons. We will contact you to let you know if we intend to do this by giving you one month’s notice. You can end this contract at any time by giving one month’s notice if we tell you extra terms apply; and

1.3.4. specific terms which apply to certain services. If you want to see these specific terms, please visit the relevant webpage for the services or click on the [insert details such as ‘key information’ button] at any time.

All of the above documents form part of this contract as though set out in full here.

1.4. Depending on your nationality and country of residence, you may not be able to use all of the services. It is your responsibility to follow the laws of the country in which you are resident and/or from where you access our services. A full list of restricted countries (the “Restricted Countries”) can be requested from us by email at hello@aznio.com.

1.5. You acknowledge and agree that you use our services of your own free will without reliance on any information provided by us and agree to undertake your own research before using our services.

1.6. You acknowledge and agree that using one or more of our partners’ products can involve greater risk than is generally associated with other investments, which can result in significant capital losses that may have a detrimental effect on the value of your accounts. You should not use our products or services unless you understand the risks involved and are prepared to sustain any losses which may occur plus any commission or other transaction charges. 


2. Your account

2.1. Your account is an e-money and cryptocurrency account. E-money is an electronic store of monetary value on a technical device, which can be exchanged for fiat currency and is backed by centralised financial assets. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies maintained by a decentralised system, mostly using cryptography.

2.2. We do not hold any of your funds, be they in fiat or crypto currency. Your funds are held by third party providers, and their details and terms can always be found ‘here’.

2.3. Your balances will be reflected in your account, and once you have a balance of over zero, you will be able to use our services through our online platform and app. You will be able to control your balances directly through your account and will not need to access any third-party site to use the same.

2.4. We will not make any changes to your account information without your express consent and/or instruction. You can download your account information at any time whilst you are a customer. Your account information will be retained for [6] years after your account closes.

2.5. We will send you a notification any time there is activity on your account. These notifications can be turned off, but it remains your responsibility to monitor your account activity.


3. Account opening & information

3.1. Accounts are available only to those over 18 years old.

3.2. As part of our account opening procedures, we will ask you to verify your age and other details about you, including, where required, your source of wealth and source of funds. By attempting to open an account with us you agree to take part in these procedures and share any information requested by us. Should you refuse, we will not allow you to open an account.

3.3. We reserve the right to refuse any application without the need to provide a reason.

3.4. Any information provided by you in the course of registration, including verification documents provided in the course of the account verification process set out in clause 5 below, will be retained for a minimum period of 5 years after your relationship with us is formally ended. If you require further information on this point, please contact us before you commence the account opening process. This information will be retained even if your registration is refused.

3.5. Any information provided by you which is subsequently found to be false, or misleading may result in your account being terminated.

3.6. We may share any information provided by you with our third-party partners for the purposes of providing the services to you. Any sharing of such information will be in line with our Privacy Policy. For more information see clause 9.

3.7. You agree to only create one account with us. Any attempt to circumvent this by creating a second or duplicate account may result in the termination of your account(s).

3.8. If you are successful in registering for an account, we reserve the right to limit your use of services until you comply with the account verification process.

3.9. If there is a change in any of your personal information which you have provided to us, you must let us know immediately.

3.10. You may not register with us if you are resident in a Restricted Country. Citizens and residents of Restricted Countries are not eligible to register whilst resident in that Restricted Country. Any citizen of a Restricted Country may not be eligible to register even where that citizen is temporarily or permanently resident in an Accessible Country. 

3.11. The availability of our website does not constitute an offer, solicitation or invitation by us for you to use the services in any Restricted Country. Under no circumstances will we be liable for any breach of state or sovereign law that may occur as a result of your use of, or attempted use of, our online platform or the services.

3.12. Where APIs are not available through the online portal, you understand and provide express permission for Aznio to facilitate your fiat account opening with our partners and act solely as a facilitator in transferring your due diligence and transactional data to and from the partner. You understand that the actual processing and execution of transactions are carried out by the partner, under their own terms and conditions. Aznio is not an Agent of the partner.


4. Adding funds

4.1. Fiat currency can be added to your account by way of bank transfer. We will credit your account with the equivalent value in e-money, once we receive it in cleared funds.

4.2. Your fiat funds are not held by us but with third party electronic money institutions (“EMI”) and accessible through your account. Our present EMI partners and the terms which govern your relationship with them can be found [here].

4.3. Our present EMI partners are licenced to provide payment services in their respective jurisdictions. Information as to this will be set out on our partners page [here].

4.4. Unless expressly indicated, our regulated EMI partners are not banks. As such, the funds in your account are not protected by any deposit protection scheme and are not protected in the same way as they are at a bank.

4.5. For information as to how our EMI partners protect your funds, please refer to their respective terms or contact them directly.

4.6. Cryptocurrency balances can be added to your account by way of cryptocurrency transfers. We will credit your account with the balance of cryptocurrency received into your unique cryptocurrency address.

4.7. Cryptocurrency balances are not held by us and are non-custodial. For more information relating to our use of wallets and how they interact with your account, please see clause 10.

4.8. You can only deposit cryptocurrencies which use blockchains supported by our digital wallet partners. For more information contact hello@aznio.com..

4.9. You will only be credited with the amount we receive, and not always the amount you send (in the case where fees have been deducted).


5. Fees

5.1. We will charge you fees in line with our fee page [here], which forms part of this agreement.

5.2. We reserve the right to update our fees at any time, with 14 days’ notice given to you. Your continued use of our services after that date will indicate your acceptance of the updated fees. Should you not agree to our increased fees, you may close your account without further notice in accordance with this agreement.

5.3. From time to time, our third-party providers may charge fees for their processes. We will always try to inform you of these fees prior to making any transfer from your account. You agree that you shall be responsible for these fees and should always ensure that the amount you are sending will be sufficient to cover those fees so that the recipient receives the full amount it is expecting.


6. Transferring funds

6.1. Funds can be transferred using your online platform login, by navigating to the relevant page and requesting a transfer.

6.2. Only you can make transactions from your account.

6.3. If you believe there has been an error in making a transfer, you must inform us immediately. If the error is our fault, we will refund the payment back into your account together with any fees or interest incurred. We, including our third-party providers, shall not be liable where the error made in transfer due to you or information provided to you by a third party, and where we comply with your instructions correctly (even where you gave us the wrong details). We will work with you to try to recover the transfer, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

6.4. We reserve the right to place limits on the number of transfers you make, or the value of transfers made in any one period at our ultimate discretion.


7. Payment Card

7.1. You can make payments, or withdraw from your account, using the payment card supplied to you with your account. This card can either take the form of a physical or virtual card.

7.2. When you use your payment card to pay for goods and services, or to withdraw cash at an ATM, your account will be debited for the amount in the same currency as the originating payment. If your balance in that currency is insufficient, but you have sufficient balance in other currencies, we will convert that holding to the originating currency so that the payment can be made. We may charge a fee for any necessary exchanges before making a payment. If there is insufficient balance in your account, payment will be declined.

7.3. It is your responsibility to ensure your account is properly funded before making a payment using your payment card.

7.4. It is your responsibility to keep your payment card secure. If you lose your payment card, you agree to inform us immediately. Unless and until we are informed that your payment card has been lost or stolen, we will consider the payment to have been authorised by you.


8. Earn Function

8.1. You may choose to opt in to use the ‘Earn’ function as part of using your account, which allows you to earn yield on your account. The process is handled by us, and so all you are required to do is turn on the Earn function where indicated.

8.2. When you opt-in to the Earn function on a fiat account, your fiat balance will be converted into an equivalent amount of a corresponding stablecoin (e.g. USD to USDT) and control transferred to a smart-contracts. As such, whilst opted-in your ‘fiat’ balance will instead be held as its cryptocurrency tethered equivalent. By opting-in to use the Earn function, you acknowledge the risks associated with holding stablecoins and agree that we will not be held responsible for any loss caused as a result of any catastrophic failure of the associated stablecoin or any other loss outside of our control.

8.3. When you opt-on to the Earn function on a cryptocurrency account, your balance will be placed in a smart contract without any need for conversion.

8.4. Notwithstanding the conversion set out above, your accounts will remain fully liquid at all times whilst using the Earn function. When opting in, there is no lock-up period where the funds in your account will be rendered unavailable. If you receive funds into your account, these funds will be converted in accordance with clause 8.2 above and added to your account balance immediately. Should you wish to make a transfer from your account, you can follow the usual steps to make a transfer and we will take your holdings out of the smart contract and convert back (where relevant) before sending out to your intended recipient. You should notice no material difference in transfer times when opting in to the Earn function, but from time there may be delays due to factors outside of our control, for which we are not liable.

8.5. The current rate of yield is set at 7% per annum (the “Earn rate”). The Earn rate may change from time to time without the requirement for us to provide you with any notice. We may offer boosted Earn rates from time to time, and will communicate with you as to how these might be made available.

8.6. The amount you receive is not guaranteed. Where not enough yield is generated on your balance from time to time we will credit your account with the amount that was generated, up to the maximum of the Earn rate.

8.7. When opting in to the Earn function, and when receiving further funds into your account, yield does not start accruing immediately. There may be some time between funds being placed on a smart contract and your balance earning yield. We try to ensure that this is a matter of hours rather than days, but sometimes there will be circumstances out of our control where the delay is longer.


9. Your privacy and personal information

9.1. Our Privacy Policy is available on the online platform.

9.2. Your privacy and personal information are important to us. Any personal information that you provide to us will be dealt with in line with our Privacy Policy, which explains what personal information we collect from you, how and why we collect, store, use and share such information, your rights in relation to your personal information and how to contact us and supervisory authorities if you have a query or complaint about the use of your personal information.

9.3. We may disclose your information as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.


10. Services

10.1. We will endeavour to ensure that our online platform can be accessed by you at all times in accordance with these terms of use. We may suspend use of the online platform for maintenance and will make reasonable efforts to give you notice. You acknowledge that this may not be possible in cases of an emergency.

10.2. The availability of services may be subject to delays, interruptions, errors or other problems resulting from use of the internet, third party integrations, or public electronic communications networks used by the parties or third parties. You acknowledge that such risks are inherent in internet services and that we and our partners shall have no liability for any such delays, interruptions, errors or other problems.

10.3. Our carrying out of the services might be affected by events beyond our reasonable control. If so, there might be a delay before we can start or restart the services, having made reasonable efforts to limit the effect of any of those events and having kept you informed of the circumstances, but we will try to start or restart the services as soon as those events have been fixed.


11. Account security

11.1. Your password must at all times remain confidential and must not be disclosed to any third party. You agree not to disclose your password, account information, or any other piece of confidential information regarding your account to any third party.

11.2. You agree to notify us as soon as possible if you suspect that your username or password has fallen into the hands of a third party.

11.3. Where a third party in possession of your security details accesses your account and it is not our fault, you agree that any action taken on your account by a third party shall be your sole responsibility, whether or not you knew about access, authorised the access or authorised any transaction undertaken by that third party. 

11.4. We will refund any stolen funds only if:

11.4.1. the payment or transfer was only made as a result of our fault, or the fault of a third-party provider;

11.4.2. the payment or transfer was made after you told us that your security details had fallen into the wrong hands, or your payment card had been lost or stolen;

11.4.3. any other failing on our part.

11.5. We may put a temporary block on your account or payment cards where you inform us of a security concern, or where we develop our own concerns about your account security or its activity. We reserve the right to temporarily block your account or payment cards without any prior notice to you and without any liability to you where we have reasonable suspicion that your account may be being used fraudulently or without your authority.

11.6. You agree to at all times fully and effectively indemnify and hold harmless us and our officers, employees and assignees against all losses, claims, expenses and damages arising in connection with the use or access to your account by or with any third party.


12. Third-party wallets & processors

12.1. As part of our services, we may provide you with access to a multi-party computation wallet (“MPC Wallet”) operated and controlled by our wallet partner Dfns. Your MPC Wallet will permit you to store and transfer digital currency and balances will be credited to your account.

12.2. You agree that you will only trade digital currencies which are expressly listed by us as being tradeable or part of a tradeable pair (“Tradeable Currencies”). Any digital currency which is not a Tradeable Currency will be a “Untradeable Currency”.

12.3. You agree that you will not attempt to send, store or receive any Untradeable Currency to your MPC Wallet, and agree that we shall not be held responsible for any losses suffered as a result of Untradeable Currency being sent to a MPC Wallet or as a result of any digital asset being sent to any wallet which does not support that asset.

12.4. We make no representations that we control or own any element of the fundamental software that governs the operation of the MPC Wallet. By agreeing to these terms of use, you acknowledge and agree that we accept no responsibility or liability for the operation of the underlying software relating to the MPC Wallet and in no way guarantee its availability or security.

12.5. The terms that govern your relationship with Dfns can be found [here].

12.6. You acknowledge and agree that we may use designated third-party processors to process any transactions, including but not limited to payments required for the use of exchange services, deposits or withdrawals from your MPC Wallet.


13. End of the contract

If this contract is ended it will not affect our right to receive any money which you owe to us under this contract.


14. Prohibited Activity

14.1. As a condition of your use of the services and any such activity facilitated by us, you agree and represent you will not engage in any prohibited activities. Such activities may be set out in our Prohibited Activity policy as we may publish from time to time, but “Prohibited Activity” includes (but is not limited to);

14.1.1. engaging in activity which would be illegal in your country of residence, or in the Isle of Man;

14.1.2. allowing third parties to have access to your account;

14.1.3. acting in a way which we deem harmful to us or our partners;

14.1.4. acting in a way so as to attempt to circumvent any restrictions or limitations we apply to your account; or

14.1.5. any other activity that we deem unacceptable use of our products or services.

14.2. We expressly reserve the right to monitor, review, retain and to disclose any such information and data as is required or we deem necessary to satisfy any relevant law, regulatory system, governmental order or our internal policies.

14.3. We reserve the right to immediately, without notice, freeze funds, block all transactions and to cancel or suspend your account and any such other restrictive action we in our sole discretion deem to be reasonably necessary, if we conclude, in our sole discretion, that your account is associated with any Prohibited Activity.


15. Payment and account Suspension and Cancellation

15.1. You may cancel your account at any time by withdrawing all balances and following the instructions on the settings page, or by contacting us at hello@aznio.com. All charges and fees must be paid up before your account can be cancelled.

15.2. We may refuse to make a payment, limit transactions, suspend, deactivate and/or cancel your account, or any of the services, or take any other action we deem necessary if:

15.2.1. you materially breach these terms of use or any other policy in operation from time to time;

15.2.2. you have failed to provide us information which we have requested;

15.2.3. it becomes or may (in our reasonable opinion) become unlawful for us to maintain or give effect to all or any of the obligations under these terms or otherwise to carry on our business or if we are requested to take action by any regulatory authority whether or not the request is legally binding;

15.2.4. any circumstance set out in these terms and conditions occur, where it is stated that recourse may be the suspension, deactivation or cancellation of your account;

15.2.5. we are compelled by law (e.g. legislation, court order or any other binding regulatory or governmental order);

15.2.6. if a bankruptcy order is made against you or you have entered into any arrangement with your creditors;

15.2.7. in the case of transfers and payments:

(a) there is insufficient balance in your account;

(b) the payment or transfer amount exceeds the limits applicable to your account;

(c) if we believe that the payment or transfer would result in a breach of these terms;

(d) if a third-party provider prevents us from making such payment or transfer;

15.2.8. we suspect that your account is being used to facilitate a prohibited activity; or

15.2.9. at our sole discretion.

15.3. By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge that our decision to take any such necessary restrictive actions will not guarantee you notice or an explanation of our internal policies or protocols.

15.4. Unless prohibited by law or a binding order, you will be allowed to transfer funds associated with your account for ninety (90) days after account deactivation or cancellation. We may take reasonable measures to notify you of any before the end of the ninety (90) day period. 

15.5. We reserve the right to charge a monthly administration fee on suspended and closed account which hold funds.

15.6. In the event that your account has been inactive for three (3) years and we have attempted to contact you via the email address you provided or other contact information, we reserve the right to initiate a monthly administration fee ninety (90) days after the delivery our first notification of your inactive account.


16. Limitation on our liability

16.1. Except for any legal responsibility that we cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury) or arising under applicable laws relating to the protection of your personal information, we are not legally responsible for any:

16.1.1. losses that were not foreseeable to you and us when the contract was formed;

16.1.2. losses that were not caused by any breach on our part;

16.1.3. business losses; or

16.1.4. losses to non-consumers.

16.2. You acknowledge and agree that in the event of catastrophic failure of services or other unforeseeable loss, all funds in your account may be lost. In the event of such loss, you agree not to hold us responsible.


17. Third party rights

No one other than a party to this contract has any right to enforce any term of this contract.


18. Assignment

18.1. We may assign our rights under our contract with you without the need to provide prior notice. You may not assign your rights to any third party.


19. Disputes

19.1. We will try to resolve any disputes with you quickly and efficiently. If you are unhappy with the services we have provided or any other matter, please contact us as soon as possible using the contact details set out at the top of this page.

19.2. You can make a complaint by emailing hello@aznio.com.


20. Jurisdiction

20.1. The laws of the Isle of Man apply to this contract.

20.2. Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Isle of Man..